Newari Names
Newari (Newa) Baby Girl Name
Below are the list of the Newari names for the Girls
Name (Girl) | Meaning |
Ayela (अयेला) | Wine or Whisky in Newari Culture |
Bhintuna (भिन्तुना) | Best wishes or Good wishes |
Chori Maiya (छोरि मैया) | A cute little daughter |
Hisila (हिसिला) | Someone who is cute or pretty |
Ita (इता) | Oil Lamp |
Lumanti (लुमन्ती) | Memory; Something remembered from the past |
Luniva (लूनिभा) | The name is made using two words "Luu" meaning Gold and "Niva" which means Sun Rays. Therefore, the meaning of Luniva is "Golden Sun" |
Shimaa (शिमा) | Tree |
Timila (तिमिला) | Derivied from the phrase Tuya Mila (तुयु मिला) - it means White Sky |
Newari (Newa) Baby Boy Name
Below are the list of the Newari names for the Boys
Name (Boy) | Meaning |
Aash Narayan (आश नारायण) | The God who fulfulls wishes of devotees |
Abir (अबिर) | In Newari it refers to Holy Crimson Powder and is interchangeable with the Nepali term “Tika“ |
Agin (अगिन) | Continuous |
Ajil (अजील) | A pretty little white flower |
Aju (अजु) | Surprise |
Babukaji (बाबुकाजी) | The name is made up combining two words. "Babu" means young and "Kaji" means a Leader. Hence, it means Young Leader |
Hiraman (हिरामान) | "Hira" means diamond and "man" means respect. It can therefore be summarized as someone who is as precious as a diamond. |
Pasa (पासा) | Friend |
Sajan (सजन) | One who is Simple and Pure |
Sanil (सनिल) | Star; Gifted |